
《變形金剛》系列最新續集《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》(Transformers: Rise of the Beasts) 終於將在 6 月 7 日正式上映,重啟這部原本由麥可貝執導的電影系列。本片由《金牌拳手2:父仇》導演小斯蒂芬卡普爾執導,改編相當受系列粉絲歡迎的《百變金剛:野獸大戰》故事線,並為新的電影系列鋪成。就在「金剛王」於大銀幕登場前,《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》評價也已經正式解禁。


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《變形金剛》系列最新續集《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》(Transformers: Rise of the Beasts) 終於將在 6 月 7 日正式上映,重啟這部原本由麥可貝執導的電影系列。本片由《金牌拳手2:父仇》導演小斯蒂芬卡普爾執導,改編相當受系列粉絲歡迎的《百變金剛:野獸大戰》故事線,並為新的電影系列鋪成。就在「金剛王」於大銀幕登場前,《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》評價也已經正式解禁。




作為 2018 年續集《大黃蜂》的續集兼軟重啟之作,《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》設定在 1990 年代,講述當黑暗勢力再度來臨要摧毀地球,人類的盟友博派金剛柯博文號召大黃蜂、幻影和雅希,並集結「強大金剛」中的金剛王、神鷹、犀牛和黃豹聯手奮戰,誓死抵抗最強大反派「宇宙大帝」以及恐懼金剛和掠奪金剛。



《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》劇情銜接《大黃蜂》 配音卡司強大





#transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts is action-packed, insanely cool with a lot of surprises! #AnthonyRamos & @Domfishback are great! Love the soundtrack. Fans’ll go crazy with this film & will be a summer hit! @transformers pic.twitter.com/AanKGtVQkT

— Jana N Nagase – Jana On Camera (@janaoncamera) May 25, 2023

《Jana On Camera》影評 Jana N Nagase:


#Transformers: Rise of the Beasts plays like the ultimate Saturday morning cartoon.

Some dope Transformers action. Anthony Ramos & Pete Davidson are great, even if some of the dialogue is a little clunky. It’s a lean, fun movie and a promising start to something exciting. pic.twitter.com/8Z75rnlgjS

— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) May 25, 2023

《ComicBook.com》影評Brandon Davis:


Happy to say #Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts is one of the best installments in the franchise. It’s a lot of fun, CGI looks great, and it has well staged action that’s easy to follow. The screening I saw actually had people clapping in the theater and the kids laughed a lot. pic.twitter.com/pbOWRhO49D

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) May 25, 2023

《Collider》總編輯 Steven Weintraub:

「很高興告訴大家《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》是系列最佳的電影之一。片中充滿了樂趣,CGI 動畫看起來相當不錯,精簡的動作場面不會讓人眼花。我看的那場還有觀眾在影廳拍手,孩子們也常常笑出聲。」

The new #Transformers movie is pretty solid! LOVE the Brooklyn setting – Maximals & Scourge add a new spin & the action pops, especially the NY scenes. Mirage steals the show, but the true star is the absolute best soundtrack full of early ‘90s hip-hop hits. This ‘90s kid had fun pic.twitter.com/YV3IfFewlU

— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) May 25, 2023

《Fandango》影評 Erik Davis:

「這部新的《變形金剛》電影相當紮實!超愛布魯克林的設定,強大金剛及瘟疫為系列加入新意,動作場面十分精彩,尤其是紐約的場景。幻象相當搶鏡,但真正的明星就是充滿 90 年代早期金曲的原聲帶。90 年代的孩子們一定會樂在其中。」

Totally dug #Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts. It’s got some issues in the middle but it starts strong, has fantastic 90s hip hop, makes great use of the humans & the 3rd act is a blast. Plus I damn near jumped out of my seat at the end. Right up there with the 1st Bay & Bumblebee. pic.twitter.com/Hf1yPqGXWE

— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) May 25, 2023

《io9》首席記者 Germain Lussier:

「非常喜歡《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》。雖然中間有些問題,但有著強大的開頭、美妙的 90 年代嘻哈、妥善利用了人類角色,而第三幕真是充滿了爆破性。我在結局差點就要跳到了椅子上。絕對能與第一部《變形金剛》和《大黃蜂》並駕齊驅。」

#Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts took everything that worked from ‘Bumblebee’ and amplified it! Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback delivered great performances, and Pete Davidson’s Mirage stole every scene he had. As a fan of the cartoon and franchise, I really enjoyed this film! pic.twitter.com/OdziQziKA9

— Dorian Parks (@DorianParksnRec) May 25, 2023

《Geeks of Color》擁有者 Dorian Parks:


#Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts is a lot of fun! Anthony Ramos carries the movie and Pete Davidson steals every scene as Mirage. The ending blew my mind and the music in the film is ? pic.twitter.com/IMZxN8J2RP

— Joseph Deckelmeier (@joedeckelmeier) May 25, 2023

《Screenrant》影評 Joseph Deckelmeier:


Wow! Surprised to say #Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts follows in the footsteps of Bumblebee by showing us there’s still a lot of spark left in the @transformers franchise. This is a fun movie with great characters and a game changing finale that levels up the franchise! -Mike M pic.twitter.com/EJy9lK88pM

— The Nerds of Color (@TheNerdsofColor) May 25, 2023

《The Nerds of Color》網站:


#Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts makes good use of the animated movie's storyline and integrates the Maximals and Terrorcons to good effect. Stakes are high and Scourge is a terrifying and powerful villain. Action-packed with a lot of heart (albeit with some cheese on top). pic.twitter.com/SsMNnq6ZqH

— Mark Pacis (insert fake checkmark here) (@PacManNR7) May 25, 2023

《Nerd Reactor》影評 Mark Pacis:

「《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》妥善利用動畫電影的敘事線,並完美呈現強大金剛以及恐懼金剛間的互動。故事有著極高的風險,而瘟疫則是一位令人恐懼且強大的反派。動作場面誠意滿滿 (即使顯得有些庸俗)。」




