
經過了 13 年的等待,詹姆斯卡麥隆執導的《阿凡達:水之道》終於在本週於倫敦舉行了媒體首映會,而本片在首波媒體評價中也獲得了普遍的好評,不少記者都再次被導演詹姆斯卡麥隆所呈現的視覺效果徹底震撼。


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經過了 13 年的等待,詹姆斯卡麥隆執導的《阿凡達:水之道》終於在本週於倫敦舉行了媒體首映會,而本片在首波媒體評價中也獲得了普遍的好評,不少記者都再次被導演詹姆斯卡麥隆所呈現的視覺效果徹底震撼。




即使本片有 3 個小時又 10 分鐘的驚人片長,但似乎並沒有任何媒體人對此感到困擾,就連導演本人也不太介意觀眾們暫時離席去上廁所:




Uproxx 網站影評 Mike Ryan:

AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER: Yeah never bet against James Cameron. Trying to spare hyperbole, but I’ve never seen anything like this from a technical, visual standpoint. It’s overwhelming. Maybe too overwhelming. Sometimes I’d miss plot points because I’m staring at a Pandora fish

— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) December 6, 2022


Fandango 影評 Erik Davis:

Happy to say #AvatarTheWayOfWater is phenomenal! Bigger, better & more emotional than #Avatar, the film is visually breathtaking, visceral & incredibly engrossing. The story, the spectacle, the spirituality, the beauty – this is moviemaking & storytelling at its absolute finest. pic.twitter.com/RicnpDghrx

— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 6, 2022


Digitalspy 網站影評 Ian Sandwell:

Unsurprisingly, #AvatarTheWayOfWater is a visual masterpiece with rich use of 3D and breathtaking vistas. It does suffer from a thin story and too many characters to juggle, yet James Cameron pulls it together for an extraordinary final act full of emotion and thrilling action. pic.twitter.com/opr6CRyOwk

— Ian Sandwell (@ian_sandwell) December 6, 2022

「毫無意外地,《阿凡達:水之道》是一部奇觀大師傑作,有豐富的 3D 應用以及令人屏息的美景。雖然劇情稍嫌薄弱、人物也有點太多,但詹姆斯卡麥隆依然成功整合出了一個充滿情緒以及刺激動作場面的最終幕。」

Collider 網站影評 Perri Nemiroff:

#AvatarTheWayOfWater is pretty incredible. I had faith James Cameron would raise the bar w/ the effects but these visuals are mind-blowing. One stunning frame after the next. But the thing I dug most is how the technical feats always feel in service of character & world-building. pic.twitter.com/MXeN3z8BnP

— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) December 6, 2022

「《阿凡達:水之道》非常不可思議,我本來就對詹姆斯卡麥隆有信心,但這些畫面依然讓我大開眼界。每一幀畫面都令人震撼,但令我最滿意的部分,就在這些技術上的成就都是在為了角色和世界觀建構服務。至於故事的部分,這部電影包含了相當豐富的劇情,我等不及要二刷來重新檢視這些細節了⋯回歸的演員都相當優秀,但新人的表現也相當突出,尤其是布里坦道爾頓飾演的 Lo’ak。」

《時人雜誌》影評 Kara Warner:

As an Avatar stan, I had high hopes for #AvatarTheWayofWater and for me it totally delivers. Sure it's a little long, but worth it for the gorgeous visuals, wonderful new characters. A total thrill.

— Kara Warner (@karawarner) December 6, 2022


The Wrap 網站記者 Drew Taylor:

Have now seen #Avatar twice and am overwhelmed by both its technical mastery and unexpectedly intimate emotional scope. Yes the world is expanded and sequels teased but the characters are most important. Cameron is in top form, especially in final act. Good to have him back. ? pic.twitter.com/PR9drN5Zph

— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) December 6, 2022


CriticsChoice 認證影評 Nikki Novak:

I saw you #AvatarTheWayOfWater – if you think you've seen #Avatar think again. Only repeat from the OG is that 'never experienced anything like it' awe. Better than 1st? Easily. The 3D water world & creatures are so surreal it is downright moving. There's a major Titanic homage. pic.twitter.com/EInKRDeumD

— Nikki Novak (@NikkiNovak) December 6, 2022

「我感受到你,《阿凡達:水之道》。如果你認為自己已經看過了《阿凡達》,那就再多想想吧。這部續集唯一讓我聯想到原版的部分就在於那種「從未經歷過的體驗」感。比第一集更好嗎?輕鬆超越。3D 的水世界以及生物都真實到令人感動。還有個對於《鐵達尼號》的巨大致敬。」


A staggering achievement- AVATAR TWOW is chokefull of majestic Vistas and emotions at an epic, epic scale. A master at thepeak of his powers… https://t.co/tG6I16JlhM

— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) November 24, 2022


FirstShowing 網站影評 Alex B.:

Avatar: The Way of Water – Like remembering you can dream. To breathe, cry. To believe in hope again. What was once lost is found again. #InCameronWeTrust

— Alex B. (@firstshowing) December 6, 2022


《帝國雜誌》影評 Amon Warmann:

So, #AvatarTheWayOfWater: Liked it, didn't love it. The good news is that 3D is good again (yay!), and the action is pretty incredible (especially in the final act). But many of the storylines feel like they have to stop and start, and the high frame rate was hit & miss for me. pic.twitter.com/eY4G76R1AJ

— Amon Warmann (@AmonWarmann) December 6, 2022

「我喜歡《阿凡達:水之道》,但沒有到很愛。好消息是 3D 效果再次令人滿意,而動作場面也相當不可思議,尤其是最終幕。但許多劇情令人感覺他們必須要走走停停,而高幀數畫面對我來說有好有壞。」


《阿凡達:水之道》將於 12 月 14 日在台上映。

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